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Toro’s Latest Lynx® Iteration Provides a New Level of Convenience

Feb 08, 2022  |   Golf

BLOOMINGTON, MN — The latest release of the Lynx® Central Control System is here. The popular irrigation control system allows golf course superintendents to address the unique challenges and changing priorities they face every day on their course, and with the new enhancements they can stay connected to their irrigation system with cloud-based tools. Plus, satellite systems and 2-wire systems can now operate as one with Lynx Fusion™. Enabling on-the-go adjustments and flexible system operations saves time and increases accessibility, freeing them up to tackle other aspects of their job.
Lynx Cloud
Lynx Cloud is a cloud-based tool included with every Lynx Central Control System that enables system updates and adjustments to be made anywhere, from a smartphone or tablet. Adjusting the settings on specific stations or holes no longer requires the use of a desktop. Start, stop, hold, and remove holds from sprinklers or entire areas, directly from the Lynx Cloud map feature. For example, if a superintendent notices a hot spot on the course, they can pull out their phone and make a percent adjustment in real time. Adjustments can be made indefinitely, or for a specified number of days. Lynx Cloud then automatically updates the settings back on their Lynx computer.
“The on-the-go nature of Lynx Cloud greatly reduces the number of trips back to the maintenance shop, eliminating the need to take notes on the course and saving valuable time,” says Norma Frotton, product marketing manager at Toro. “We’re excited to introduce a feature that will improve productivity and streamline how golf course superintendents engage with their Lynx Central Control System.”
Lynx Cloud also solves the problem of identifying which sprinkler you want to adjust while out on the course. The “Find me” feature helps locate the closest sprinkler to the superintendent on the map at a given moment, ensuring adjustments are made in the correct spot.
A course irrigation overview feature is also available with Lynx Cloud, and shows which sprinklers are currently running, along with which ones recently ran and which are about to run.
Lynx Fusion
Lynx Fusion is a new Lynx Central Control capability that allows two types of systems, a Lynx Smart Satellite system (VP and LSS) and a Lynx Smart Module 2-wire system, to be combined and operated from one Lynx Central Control computer. This gives courses the flexibility to transition to a new system over time, instead of all at once, allowing for phased system upgrades. “This feature is especially beneficial for courses under renovation, eliminating the need to run two different central control computers during the transition,” says Frotton. “Lynx Fusion helps superintendents run a blended system with maximum efficiency, getting the most out of their investment.”
Additional features
The Lynx improvements don’t stop there. Additional enhancements of note include:
  • Automated back-up. Lynx settings can be backed up to both the customer’s computer and the cloud on a bi-weekly, weekly, or monthly basis, depending on preference.
  • Alarm notifications. Set up and test alarm notifications for several scenarios, such as when the weather station detects rain. Alarms are customizable and can be sent to different people at different times of day, or on different days of the week.
  • Map rotation. The map points north as a default, but users can now choose which direction the map faces to best suit their specific course.
To learn more about Lynx Central Control System technology, please visit Toro’s website.

Alexis Deasy  |  Irrigation  |  951-785-3612  |  alexis.deasy@toro.com
Kelsey Batschelet  |  Performance Marketing  |  254-291-9370  |  kelseyb@performancemarketing.com
About Toro
With roots dating back to 1914, Toro is a leading worldwide provider of innovative solutions for the outdoor environment including turf and landscape maintenance, snow management, rental and construction equipment, and irrigation solutions. Through a strong network of distributors, dealers, retailers and rental stores in more than 125 countries, Toro helps customers care for golf courses, sports fields, public green spaces, commercial and residential properties, construction sites and agricultural operations. More at: www.toro.com.